Fix the Daylight Savings Time settings of your Legacy Centigram system

Spring forward…Fall back….

It’s ingrained in our consciousness almost as much as the A-B-Cs or our spelling reminder of “i before e….” And it’s a regular event.

Your Centigram legacy voice mail system automatically adjusts for Daylight Savings Time. Because of the Energy Policy Act of 2005, changes in the start and stop dates for Daylight Savings Time your system will no longer accurately reflect the correct time of day. Rather, your system’s time will be adjusted based on the old Daylight Savings Time schedule.

Fix this problem with DSTPlus and never have to worry about adjusting your system for Daylight Savings Time again.

DSTPlus Benefits:

  • Eliminate Labor Resources needed to manually adjust system time up to four times a year
  • Never have to remember to adjust system time settings for DST again
  • Reduce Complaint Calls
  • No Risk of inaccurate time stamps of messages
  • Application can be run anytime prior to DST taking place.

    * System reboot is required

Call 916-787-5600 to Order Now

* Centigram refers to the various platforms (NuPoint Messenger Release 6.0, 6.1, and 7.0 or SS8 Release 6.0, 6.1, 6.2, 6.3 and BSP 2.1)

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