Visual VoiceMail for Landline Providers
Extending Your Messaging Investment,
Streamlining Communications and Increasing Productivity
Introducing MobilePlus – Visual VoiceMail for Landline Providers
Visual Messaging , the ability to manage one’s voicemail using a smart phone app, is a very powerful business tool. The problem is, providers need to replace their entire voicemail infrastructure in order to be able to offer visual voicemail to their customers.
To solve this problem, VoicePlus leverages the power of existing voicemail platforms and has developed MobilePlus, next-generation visual voicemail which offers subscribers a wealth of visual messaging features without requiring forklift platform replacement.
MobilePlus has the ability to significantly boost the productivity of virtual workers and the mobile workforce:
- Voice messages are available through an email-like interface on the mobile device.
- Messages are retrieved by the mobile device, subscribers don’t have to dial into their voicemail.
- Callback and text messaging response to any voicemail message, for smarter communications.
- Message save and delete synch with the messaging platform.
Provider Benefits
- Generate Incremental Revenue – $3 – $25 per month/per subscriber for VVM, voicemail to text, or conferencing services
- “Push Your Brand” – onto your wireless competitors’ mobile sets
- Offer Competitive Services – to your existing customers
- Offer Mobile MWI – far more accessible than stutter dialtone notification
- Mobile Intitiatives – extend brand awareness
MobilePlus is compatible with Smartphone devices including:
- Android
- Blackberry
- iPhones
- Windows Mobile