Legacy Voicemail/Abe’s Voicemail

Dear Valued Client,
VoicePlus, Inc. is pleased to announce the recent merger of Legacy Voice Mail Solutions (d.b.a Abe’s Super Budget Voice Mail) into our business portfolio. The change will provide Abe’s Voice Mail clients access to new technologies, expanded support, and the continuation of the voice mail service to which you’ve become familiar.

For more than 35 years VoicePlus has been the leading provider of voice messaging solutions to telecommunication carriers, cable companies, mobile providers, large enterprises companies and individual users. Folding the Legacy Voice Mail business into the VoicePlus brand was a straightforward decision.

There are several things we want to point out: Your fees and costs associated with your current service will not change. The voice messaging services provided to you in the past will continue to be offered by VoicePlus. Accessing your mailbox(es) will not change. Invoices will be presented under the VoicePlus logo.

Should you require service, assistance or have questions please reach out to VoicePlus:

By Phone: (510) 964-4800 Option 2

By Email: helpdesk@voiceplus.com

By USPS: VoicePlus, Inc.
                 P.O. Box 15482
                 Scottsdale, AZ 85260

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